Come forth would-be combatants, all you miserable fun-hungry urban-city soldiers, muddy your soles. The ultimate arena where reputations are made and destroyed: CAPTURE THE FLAG VI, The Battle of Camberwell Green!
If you missed last weeks game...if you have the glasto. blues: you have something to prove! CTF will satisfy your nightly fun lust.
Come on Saturday 26th June 2010 for a game of capture the flag: Meeting point: camberwell green 6pm, flag-making during the day under a canopy on the green 11 onwards and then the game starts at 6, collect the fallen then barbecue and more fun at the joiners arms as if you weren't ample filled with the joys of summer...
Rally your comrades and goad your foes, scores will be settled on the asphalt fields of south east london this weekend.
Tell all/forward, like some made viral call to arms...CTF6!!!
Come forth would-be combatants, all you miserable fun-hungry urban-city soldiers, muddy your soles. The ultimate arena where reputations are made and destroyed: CAPTURE THE FLAG VI, The Battle of Camberwell Green!
If you missed last weeks game...if you have the glasto. blues: you have something to prove! CTF will satisfy your nightly fun lust.
Come on Saturday 26th June 2010 for a game of capture the flag: Meeting point: camberwell green 6pm, flag-making during the day under a canopy on the green 11 onwards and then the game starts at 6, collect the fallen then barbecue and more fun at the joiners arms as if you weren't ample filled with the joys of summer...
Rally your comrades and goad your foes, scores will be settled on the asphalt fields of south east london this weekend.
Tell all/forward, like some made viral call to arms...CTF6!!!